Aprovechando que estoy casi acabado con mi proyecto a falta de un mes de entregarlo, me dedico a otras actividades. A base de raquetazos conseguí clasificarme para la fase final de 3a división de la liga de ociosos del grupo (toda una hazaña). Buenas vibraciones. Una pena haber aprendido a no ganar tan bien en el equipo de balonmano del cole, porque cuando tengo la victoria ahí al lado aparece mi personalidad de banquillo y da igual las oportunidades que tenga, me entrego.
Creo que me dedicaré a coleccionar agujeros de playeros más que trofeos :P
Lo mejor será irse al monte a reflexionar, a adaptarse al entorno en el que vive Joaco. Nos vemos!
Tennis Holes
I'm almost done with my project, but more than one month left to hand it, so it's time to do something else, like playing tennis. I managed to classify for the final round of my club's amateur league (3rd division) with good feelings on my racket. But there is little to do when it comes to winning and I have spent most of my childhood in a handball club where winning wasn't a goal. So every time I had the matchpoint right there, I started playing with my handball spirit and I had no chance.
I think I can start collecting shoe holes instead of trophies :P
Now the best idea is to rest and think about it away from the city, visiting my friend Joaco who's teaching in a little town in the mountains. C ya!