No es para tanto. No he robado..Es solo que en esta universidad hay comida gratis por todas partes. En cada conferencia hay una mesa con 12 pizzas, en cada mesa redonda hay bandejas llenas de cookies. Un astuto y hambriento estudiante podría sobrevivir hasta que el aparato digestivo dijese "se acabó". Incluso hay una cámara web accesible para todos para saber si hay comida disponible...En fin, una nueva dimensión. De paso, para ilustrar un poco, pongo unas fotos que sacó Coro en el partido de beisbol que ilustran bien la situación
So far I haven´t mentioned the food issue. I might have complained about it from time to time...but today I feel like talking about it as the main subject. Using the famous and historic spanish behaviour of stealing (talk with Armando, he knows more about History) I have eaten for free for the first time since I got here.
But it is not as evil as it sounds. I´m not a thief. It´s just that I work at a university where there is always free food somewhere. Every seminar comes with 12 pizzas on the table, every conference has trays full of cookies. Any foxy and hungry student could live here as long as his own stomach could cope with the situation. There is even a web cam that shows the food available around...It´s another world. Being said all this, I put some examples taken from the baseball games (pics are from Coro, not mine)